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Self-care: Is it necessary?

It is the new year of 2021, and many of you may have been waiting for this year to come for a sense of refreshing and rejuvenation. Others may be seeking new norms and defining goals and aspirations for this new journey in life. No matter where you fall on the continuum, one thing must remain or should be added to your personal regime. SELF-CARE!!!!

In order to practice self-care, you must sustain a thriving relationship with yourself by taking care of your mind, body, and soul. You must take part in activities that enhance your well-being and reduce stress which in turn, affords you a more fruitful and rich life. Self-care is also necessary to ensure that you are fulfilling your own needs so you can be your best self in your family, career, relationships, and community.

What does self-care look like?

Self-care can be conducted in many ways, but it is tailored to those things that you enjoy and must do in order to have a sense of grounding. It is a process that can change and look different with the flow of life, but it is most important to just keep it incorporated in your daily routine.

· Working out

· Making a doctor’s appointment

· Eating a balanced diet

· Watching a movie

· Reading a book

· Prayer

· Meditation

· Journaling

· Cleaning

· Listening to music or podcast

· Taking a bath

· Getting a massage

· Saying no!

· Reading the bible

· Cooking

· Etc.

These are just a few examples of what self-care may look like, but let’s make it personal.

1. What are some things that you can incorporate in your life to bring you more peace, relaxation, and grounding?

2. What are some things you need to take away from your daily routine?

3. Are you burned out from having too many things on your plate?

4. Are you neglecting those things that use to bring you joy because now you “don’t have time”?

5. Do you have a lack of energy or momentum because of poor lifestyle choices?

Take a moment and examine where you are right now and where you would like to be on your self-care journey. Know that it is never too late to prioritize your needs and pivot from bad habits. You are worthy and deserve to be the best you, you can possibly be. Let’s walk this journey of self-love together!

Chiara J.

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